Techibond™ N100 is a solvent based, high solids, brush or scraper grade contact adhesive. It is formulated as a general purpose adhesive suitable for bonding a wide range of materials all of which may be bonded to each other or to hardboard, chipboard, wood, painted or unpainted metal. This material has excellent ageing resistance.
Bonding: Rigid laminated plastics such as Formica, melamine, rigid PVC sheet, polyurethane foams of the polyester and polyether types, supported PVC leather cloth, leather, polyester glass fibre, rubber sheet and extrusions.
Toluene Free = N100TF
High Viscosity = N100HV
Industries: Shop/bar-fitting trades and in the boat building, furniture & footwear industries.
Container Sizes Available: 4 litres, 20 litres, 200 litres